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  • Announcing Hyrax 5: increasing flexibility for repository storage

Announcing Hyrax 5: increasing flexibility for repository storage

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We are pleased to announce the full release of Hyrax 5.0.0. Hyrax v5 is the culmination of effort over the past several years by numerous members of the Samvera community to convert Hyrax to use the Valkyrie data mapper, and move away from the ActiveFedora mapper. This change will provide Hyrax and Hyku implementations the ability to choose their own persistence layer and no longer be limited to Fedora 4 or 5. 

Additionally, we have removed deprecated code and addressed many bug fixes. This release also raises the minimum supported version of Ruby to 3.2 and Rails to 6.1.

There have been over 1200 commits since Hyrax v4, but the effort began well before that release. Thank you everyone who has contributed to this massive effort!

What does this mean for new and updating Hyrax applications?

When generating a new Hyrax application, Valkyrie is now the default. Use of ActiveFedora is deprecated and will be removed in a future major release. Hyrax v5 is intended to be the bridge with which existing repositories can migrate their data. Postgres is the supported Valkyrie persistence adapter in v5.0. The Fedora 6 adapter is still experimental, and will be promoted to supported in a forthcoming v5.x release along with improved migration tooling.

Full release notes are available on GitHub.

This release represents years of hard work by the community. We would like to acknowledge the SoftServ by Scientist.com, Project Surfliner, Princeton University and Emory University teams who participated in the Community Sprint last year, which was key to completing this work. We’d also like to thank Indiana University and the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill for contributing time to the Hyrax Maintenance Working Group. This was a true Samvera Community effort and would not have been possible without them.



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