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- Announcing Avalon Media System 8.0
Announcing Avalon Media System 8.0

The Avalon Media System team is proud to announce Avalon 8!
Avalon 8.0 includes support for Fedora 6, improved UI/UX and browser support in the Ramp media component library, support for Microsoft cloud storage, and a variety of improvements and bug fixes. With the move to Fedora 6, all Avalon installations will need to migrate from Fedora 4 to Fedora 6. Instructions on migrating Fedora are included in the Avalon 7.8 to 8.0 upgrade instructions.
Major Dependency Updates
Fedora 6
Rails 7.2
Ruby 3.3
Changes in Ramp 3.3
Progress bar style changes made for improved seeking
State management has been widely refactored
Captions settings for user sessions are now saved to local browser storage
New component added for Expand/collapse buttons in structural metadata component
Fixed a bug where parameters in URLs passed to Ramp caused errors
Multiple bugs fixed for mobile browsers
Sharepoint and OneDrive can now be configured as a source in Browse Everything, allowing users to connect and upload media files directly from Microsoft cloud storage services
Date is no longer a required field in descriptive metadata for items
Subject field now links out to other items with the same subject
Support for progressive download—Avalon can now stream MP3 files directly without transcoding
The location for temporary files created during processing can now be configured
Optimized waveform generation
Improved handling of thumbnail and poster image generation
mediainfo removed as a dependency
Solr queries updated to improve response times
Performance improvements to item edit pages and HLS manifest generation
Documentation on upgrading to 8.0 can be found on the Upgrading Avalon 7.8 → 8.0 page on the Avalon wiki.
Full release notes and the changelog for 8.0 are available at https://github.com/ avalonmediasystem/avalon/ releases.