Hyku for Consortia transitions from pilot phase to full production

The Partnership for Academic Library Collaboration and Innovation (PALCI) and the Private Academic Library Network of Indiana (PALNI) are proud to announce the successful transition of Hyku for Consortia from pilot phase to full production—now serving 40 libraries across four prominent partners in the Hyku Commons: PALCI, PALNI, the Boston Library Consortium (BLC), and the Virtual Library of Virginia (VIVA).

Samvera.org Admin

Samvera Community Welcomes The Ohio State University Libraries as a New Partner

The Samvera Community is thrilled to announce that The Ohio State University Libraries has officially joined as a new Samvera Partner. University Libraries joins thirty other partner organizations in this commitment to the ongoing sustainability of the Samvera Community’s innovative open source repository solutions.

Samvera.org Admin


Types of Applications powered by Samvera Community technology solutions

The Samvera Community

Samvera is a vibrant, highly active community including more than 30 Partners who formally support our work and development. Working together, members of the Samvera Community create sustainable repository solutions based on a common infrastructure, allowing the flexibility to tailor solutions to local demands and workflows. This provides the foundation for both highly customized, extensible repositories as well as turn-key solutions that allow adopters to get up and running quickly.

Growing open technologies, together.

Samvera Partners

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